InterACT – Interacting with Native Speakers

In the second week of school, the students in their 10th year at “Gymnasium Gleichense“ in Ohrdruf were welcomed with a memorable experience of interacting with native English speakers and creative workshops. The teachers with the coordination unit „Partnerschaft für Demokratie“ were able to once again allow the students to participate freely and enrich their English communication skills.

The main core of this project was to develop a better grip of the language and learn more about their cultures. By dividing them into 4 groups, each group having their own native speaker and staying in the buildings of our school, it was a lot easier for the students to individually hold conversations in their second language but also to get to know their assigned native speaker.

The teenagers had the opportunity to try different workshops, including language games, presentations and tasks. The variety of workshops was an advantage for all students with different interests to get a glimpse into topics they might have not come across with before but then realising they did enjoy it after all. They were able to come across with arts, theatre, storytelling and learning methods.

At the end of the project week, every group had to make their own little show summarising their whole week with the English speakers. The spectators were the grade 9 students who will have the chance to participate in the same intercultural project next year and the teachers who made this project happen to begin with.

The InterACT Project is very important at “Gymnasium Gleichense” in order to support the cultural diversity that is always going to be talked about deeply and supported wholeheartedly.

Izabella Harduzen


Interact 2023

Im Zeitraum vom 28.08.- 01.09.2023 fand das jährliche Projekt „Interact“ für die Jahrgangsstufe 10 statt. Kern des Projektes war auch dieses Jahr die Native Speaker Week, bei der englischsprachige Muttersprachler den Schülern eine Woche voller kultureller Einblicke, viel englischer Alltagssprache und das Überdenken aktueller Themen ermöglichten.

Auch in diesem Jahr wurde das Projekt von vielen sportlichen, spielerischen und interaktiven Übungen begleitet, bei denen die Schüler manchmal fast wortwörtlich über Bänke gehen mussten. Im Mittelpunkt standen die Kultur der verschiedenen Muttersprachler, sowie die Themen der Demokratie und des Klimawandels. Auf diese Weise wurden die Diversität und Toleranz unseres Schulmottos aufgegriffen und vertieft. Einige Ergebnisse dieser ertragreichen Woche wurden den 9. Klassen, die dieses Projekt nächstes Jahr durchführen, in einer Abschlusspräsentation vorgestellt.

Tamara Kuhn