English Language Farm – by Sally Ortlepp (8/2)

In the week from the 12th to the 16th of August class 8/2 went to the Language Farm near Kammerforst. One week before us the other 8th class (8/1) went there. At first, we took the bus for one and a half hours with the nice driver uncle Jens. When we arrived, we were welcomed nicely. A bit later our cool counselors JJ, Rizz and Groot showed us our rooms and explained some little rules like “always have fun” or “treat everyone nicely”. After we put the bags in our rooms we had noodles for lunch. After that they split us in small language groups and project groups. In the small language groups, we prepared lunch or dinner together, did the duties and created a theater play. Everyone of the three camp-leaders had a project like Yoga and Mandala (Rizz), songwriting (Groot) and board game creation (JJ). Every day from Monday to Friday we had a morning circle before breakfast, where we learned some wise sayings like “there is a first time for everything” or “be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”. Also, there was a fruit break in the morning and a cookie break in the afternoon. On the full days like Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we had country themed food and games. Also, we played games like baseball and cricket. On Thursday we went hiking and played capture the flag in the national park Hainich. On some evenings, we sat around the fireside and sang songs with our musician Groot. In our free time we played games together and created two water fights, that we called “Water War 1” and “Water War 2”. On our last morning on Friday, we said goodbye to our counselors Groot, JJ and Rizz and took the bus back home – again with uncle Jens. I think we all had a lot of fun and enjoyed it!